Optimization is a set of mathematical ideas and methods used in a variety of fields to solve a large number of real-world problems in science, engineering, industry, economics, and business. The development of many new algorithms based have made this field very rich. The goal of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Optimization Techniques and Applications (AOTA) - 2023 is to bring together leading academicians, scientists, researchers and scholars from around the world to exchange and share their experiences and research findings on all aspects of advanced optimization techniques. It also serves as a leading interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the latest breakthroughs, trends, and concerns, as well as practical issues and solutions in the field of optimization techniques. Out Station candidates will be allowed for online presentation with prior information during registration.
Ramgarh Engineering College (Estd. by Govt. of Jharkhand & run by Techno India under PPP) previously known as Techno India Ramgarh and Government Engineering College, Ramgarh, established with the prior approval of All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE) and affiliation of Jharkhand University of Technology, is as an institution under Public Private Partnership between the Government of Jharkhand and Techno India. It is situated in the outskirts of Ramgarh district town on NH-23 at Murubanda, near Chitarpur, Rajrappa project covering an area of 24 acres including separate hostel facilities for both boys and girls as well as staff quarters, is having a pollution free environment. We, have always been trying to keep our commitment towards our goal to spread education among the ‘technocrat’ of the new era without ignoring the need of proper moral development of the students of the post-modern age. We have all along tired to make our pupils realize that the hidden truth is ‘Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man’ The college is following outcome based education (OBE) system in all of its five undergraduate (B.Tech) departments- CE, ME, CSE, ECE, and EE as prescribed by the National Board for Accreditation (NBA). Educators are trained for OBE from IIT Gadhinagar. The mentor of the college is BVBCET, Hubli (One of the best engineering institute in India). Through TEQIP-III, the faculty of BVBCET and several IITs and NITs are regularly taking seminars and workshops for students. Our Faculty members are trained in several IITs and IIMs. The college is providing free GATE and Employability Skill coaching for all 3rd year and 4th Year students through TEQIP. The college frequently organizes seminars/workshop for up-gradation of students where eminent resource persons are invited.
Ant colony optimisation
Genetic algorithms
Machine learning algorithms
Predictive modelling
Parallel and distributed computation
Swarm and evolutionary optimization techniques
Bio inspired computations
Nature inspired computations
Tabu search
Quantum evolutionary algorithm
Single and multi-objective optimization
Computational complexity and optimization
Continuous or discrete optimization
Structural optimization
Simulation-based optimization Techniques
Topology optimization
Combinatorial optimization and mathematical programming
Multi-objective programming
Multi-criteria decision making
Metaheuristic optimization algorithms
Hybrid algorithms
Dynamic optimization
Continuous optimization
Fuzzy linear programming
Fuzzy neural networks
Fuzzy multi-objective programming
Fuzzy integer programming
Fuzzy dynamic programming
Fuzzy-rough sets-based decision support algorithm
Possibilistic linear programming
Fuzzy learning methods
Fuzzy preference modelling
Fuzzy nonlinear programming
Hesitant intuitionistic fuzzy algorithm
Fuzzy genetic algorithm
Fuzzy systems
Penalty function based approach
Fuzzy multi-criteria decision making
Artificial neural networks
Artificial Immune Systems
Evolutionary computation
DNA Computing
Fuzzy computing
Intelligent computing for intelligent systems,
Intelligent computing for internet of things and big data
Intelligent computing applications in block chain and interoperability
Intelligent computing for 5g technology and modern networks
Machine learning and deep learning
Intelligent information system optimization
Membrane computing,
Learning theory
Quantum computing
Meta-heuristics: Applications and Innovation
Applications of algorithms inspired by the natural law of swarming behaviour
Applications of ecology based computation algorithms
Innovation and improvements in algorithms inspired by natural law of swarming behaviour
Innovation and improvements in ecology-based computation algorithms
Intelligent computing for optimizing energy harvesting and distribution
Application of intelligent optimizing and computing in energy autonomy
Intelligent computing for modelling and simulations of renewable energy systems
Intelligent optimizing and computing for precision agriculture and precision livestock farming
Intelligent optimizing and computing for sustainable smart cities and sustainable development
Intelligent optimizing and computing for sustainable materials and manufacturing
Intelligent optimizing, decision making and computing for sustainable applications

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to any other journal or conference.Only full papers of minimum 10 pages and maximum 15 pages prepared according to the given template will be considered. Authors are requested to submit their papers using the following link: Submission Link (Easy Chair): https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aota2023 Each paper will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper. Submission Format: Authors must follow the camera-ready Word template, available at Downloads Section. Author Guidelines: a) Authors must ensure that the paper is strictly formatted as per the given template. b) All papers must be of minimum 10 pages and maximum 15 pages. c) Authors must mention TRACK NUMBER at the TOP OF THE PAPER. c) All papers must be submitted online via Easy Chair submission system https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aota2023 d) All submitted papers will be thoroughly peer-reviewed based on originality, significance and clarity. e) The similarity content should not exceed 10% (including self-contents and others). f) If any model / concept / figure / table / data are taken from any previously published work, authors must cite adequate reference to the original work. g) If any author(s) is using any copyrighted material, it is the sole responsibility of the author(s) to acquire prior permission from the copyright holder. Otherwise, such papers will not be included in conference proceedings and will be discarded from further considerations.
For More Info: https://aota.co.in/