About Conference [Brochure]
IKGPTU Kapurthala is going to organize 3rd International Conference on Computing, Networks and Renewable Energy (CNRE-2023) during June 22-24, 2023. The objective of the Conference is to provide a plateform to the researchers to share their findings and encourage other researchers.
Researchers from various domains are working together towards new concepts and methodologies in pursuit of better future for the next generation. To create an opportunity to gain insight into advancement in the field and provide a platform for industry and academia. To promote the discipline of contemporary computing and applications as a profession to a larger community of academicians and professionals
The Objective of Knowledge sharing shall be achieved through:
Technical & Panel Discussions
Interaction with Industries Experts
Keynote Speeches & Paper Presentations
Special Sessions on Selected Topics
Scopus Indexed Publications ISBN Proceeding
To bring together academicians, researchers, and industry professionals to exchange and share research on various aspects of contemporary computing and applications. The objectives of this International Conference on Computing, Networks & Renewable Energy is therefore to provide platform to Academia, Research Organizations and Industry in the form of Technical Sessions, Panel Discussions, Industry Forum, Keynote Speeches, Invited & Submitted papers, Special Sessions on Selected Topic.
Conference Objectives
You are invited to submit your full papers for CNRE 2023. Papers should be written in English, the official language of the event.
The paper length should be between 04 to 10 pages (including references).
Papers will be categorized as (a) Accepted for ISBN (b) Accepted for Scopus Indexed publication as per recommendations of the reviewers.
Authors are required to submit thier papers in prescribed templates (MS Word and LaTeX) only.
Papers should be structured properly giving clear idea of novelty. Paper length should not exceed 10 pages in any case.
Selected paper will only be published in the CNRE Proceedings, if at least one of the authors of the paper is registered before the deadline.
Conference Tracks
Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, are solicited. The specific topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:
Soft Computing Techniques
Artificial Intelligence
Optical Communication Systems
Application of Internet of Things
Hybrid and Renewable Energy Sources
Cloud and Mobile Computing
Deep Machine Learning
Data Networks & Securities
Power System, Protection & Relaying
Power Electronics application in Power System
Control & Automation Engineering
Electricity Market & Power Systems Economics
Power Quality & Harmonics Analysis
Smart/Micro Grid & Distributed Generation
Grid-Integration Renewable Energy Systems
Energy Storage & Electric vehicle
Special Tracks Submit Tracks
Conference Tracks & Tutorials Special tracks relevant to conference theme are invited from researchers, academicians, scientists and engineers across the world to share novel ideas and research findings. These special tracks will be managed and chaired by proposer. Proposals may be submitted via email at cnre@ptu.ac.in.

For More Info: https://cnre2023.ptu.ac.in/cfp.php