Call for Papers
International Conference
Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation and Control
https://vit.ac.in/icasic2022/ November 28-29, 2022
Organized by
School of Computer Science and Engineering Taylor’s University, Malaysia
School of Electrical Engineering Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore, India
School of Computer Science and Engineering Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Greetings from Team iCASIC-2022!
iCASIC-2022 invites original, previously unpublished and high quality research papers. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted for publication to:
AIP conference proceedings Indexing:
The proceedings of this series are indexed in
Scopus (Elsevier)
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
The conference will be focused on addressing research challenges in the field of “Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation and Control ”, but not limited to, the following:
Track: 1 (Instrumentation)
Analytical &Virtual Instrumentation, MEMS and NANO Sensors, Sensors Fusion, Bio and Chemical Sensors, Tomography & Imaging Instrumentation, IIoT, Nano Photonics & Optical Sensors, Machine Learning & Wireless Sensors, Big data Analytics.
Track: 2 (Control and Automation)
Autonomous vehicles, Self-driving vehicles Industrial Automation, Linear and Non Linear Control system, Fuzzy and Neural Control, Robotics and Automation, Fault Detection & Diagnosis, System Identification & Selection, Distributed and Cooperative Control Systems, Networked Control Systems.
Track: 3 (Electrical) Smart grid Soft Computing technology Green & Renewable Energy E –Vehicle technology Electrical Power Systems Electrical Drives Power Converters& inverters Energy Management Systems. Track: 4 (Electronics and Communication) Nano Technology, Semiconductor Devices & VLSI, Digital Signal and Image Processing, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Statistic Learning & Pattern Recognition, Wired and Wireless Communication, Cognitive System Research, Embedded Systems, Sensor Networks and Security. MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION
The papers should be submitted through easychair portal using the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icasic2022
Authors must strictly adhere with the AIP proceedings format while preparing the manuscript.
Paper size should be maximum of 5-8 pages including all figures, tables, and references.
All submitted papers will go through plagiarism check process.
Manuscript should not contain embedded links, scanned images, header and footer.
Email submissions will not be accepted, All the presented papers will be submitted for publication in AIP conference Proceedings (Scopus indexed).
All queries related to the conference shall be addressed to icasicvit@vit.ac.in.
Authors must read and adhere to the conference guidelines (stipulated on the conference website), while submitting their papers to iCASIC-2022.
Details of registration fee (exclusive of all taxes) are given as follows:

Above mentioned registration fee is applicable for authors presenting the paper through online mode.
For authors participating in-person, registration fee is MYR 1050, which includes the registration fee for International Engineering Congress and registration kit
International Engineering Congress (IEC 2022) is a 4-day event, organized in Taylor’s University from 28th November 2022 to 1st December 2022

Please visit Conference website (https://vit.ac.in/icasic2022/) or email us at icasicvit@vit.ac.in for more information.