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Horse Herd Optimization MPPT for PV System

Horse Herd Optimization MPPT for PV System

Welcome to LMS Solution! Here, we will explore the Household Optimization MPPT algorithm for solar PV systems, specifically addressing the partial shading effect.

Optimization Algorithm:

The optimization algorithm used in this system is based on a paper published in the Knowledge PST System. The title of the paper is "Household Optimization Algorithm," and you can find detailed information about the algorithm in the provided paper link mentioned in the description.

Algorithm Flowchart:

The algorithm follows the flowchart illustrated below:

  1. Randomly generate the initial position of the horses.

  2. Calculate the fitness function based on the shading effect.

  3. Determine the age of the horses (alpha, beta, gamma).

  4. Apply the velocity function to update the position of the horses.

  5. Repeat the process until the stopping criteria are met.

Implementation of Solar PV System: The same optimization algorithm is implemented for Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) in a solar PV system. The MATLAB code for the algorithm is provided in the video.

Simulink Model: The Simulink model is designed to test the Household Optimization MPPT algorithm for solar PV systems. The model receives inputs for PV voltage (vpv) and PV current (ipv) and calculates the PV power. The optimization algorithm is applied to find the optimal duty cycle for extracting maximum power. The duty cycle is then used to control the boost converter for efficient power extraction from the PV panel.

Partial Shading Effect: The model is tested under both uniform irradiance and partial shading conditions. The algorithm is successful in extracting maximum power even in scenarios with partial shading.

Simulation Results:

  1. Under Uniform Irradiance (1000 W/m²):

  • Maximum power extracted: 249.8 W

  1. Under Partial Shading (Irri1: 1000 W/m², Irri2: 300 W/m², Irri3: 1000 W/m²):

  • Maximum power extracted: 160.9 W

  1. Under Varying Irradiance (Irri1: 1000 W/m², Irri2: 800 W/m², Irri3: 1000 W/m²):

  • Maximum power extracted: 215.2 W

Conclusion: The Household Optimization MPPT algorithm proves effective in extracting maximum power from a solar PV system, even under partial shading conditions. The Simulink model and MATLAB code provided in the video demonstrate the implementation of the algorithm for practical applications.

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