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How to use Mendeley for automatic reference cite in research paper

How to use Mendeley for automatic reference cite in research paper

Mendeley is a reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research papers and generate citations. Here are the steps to use Mendeley for reference citation: Download and install the Mendeley Desktop software on your computer. Import your research papers into Mendeley. You can do this by drag-and-dropping the files into the software, or by using the "Import" feature to import files from your computer's hard drive. Organize your papers into folders and subfolders within Mendeley to keep them organized. Create a library of your references by adding metadata to each paper, such as the authors, publication date, title, and more. Use the Mendeley citation plugin for your word processor (such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs) to insert references into your research paper. To do this, select the reference you want to cite in Mendeley and click on the "Cite" button. Mendeley will insert the reference in the citation style of your choice. Create a bibliography at the end of your paper by inserting a "Bibliography" placeholder in your word processor and clicking on the "Generate Bibliography" button in Mendeley.

Update your references and bibliography as needed by adding, editing, or deleting references in Mendeley. The changes will automatically be reflected in your paper. By using Mendeley, you can save time and simplify the process of citing and referencing in your academic writing.

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