Interfacing Arduino with MATLAB and Blinking LED
Interfacing Arduino with MATLAB allows you to use the advanced features of MATLAB to control and analyze data from the Arduino board. Here's a simple example that shows how you can use MATLAB to control a blinking LED connected to the Arduino board:
Connect the LED to the Arduino board: Connect the positive leg of the LED to a digital pin on the Arduino board and the negative leg of the LED to a resistor. Connect the other end of the resistor to the ground (GND) pin on the Arduino board.
Install the Arduino support package for MATLAB: The Arduino support package for MATLAB allows you to control the Arduino board from within MATLAB. To install it, go to the Add-Ons menu in MATLAB, and then select "Get Hardware Support Packages". Search for the "Arduino" package, and then install it.
Write the MATLAB code to control the LED: The following code sets the pin mode for the LED, sets the LED pin to be an output, and then turns the LED on and off repeatedly with a delay of 1 second:
Upload the code to the Arduino board: In MATLAB, click the "Upload to Hardware" button to upload the code to the Arduino board.
Observe the blinking LED: If everything is connected correctly, the LED should start blinking. You can use the MATLAB code to control the blinking rate and other behavior of the LED.
Note: The pin number and LED connection may vary depending on your setup. Make sure to adjust the code accordingly.