Title: Invitation for Student Project Proposals - Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology Introduction The Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) is pleased to announce the launch of its Student Project Scheme for the year 2023-2024. This initiative is designed to tap into the immense talent and potential of students and harness it for the benefit of our state. The scheme invites final year undergraduate students (Engineering), postgraduate science students, and postgraduate professional students who have a dissertation requirement in their curriculum to apply for financial support for their projects. Financial Support Under this scheme, TNSCST offers financial support of up to a maximum of Rs. 10,000 per project to assist students in their research endeavors. Important Dates
Last date for online registration: September 30, 2023, 5:00 PM
Last date for hard copy submission: October 6, 2023, 5:00 PM
How to Apply To apply, please follow these steps:
Visit the application link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSelOyhcTLl8K8XR2_nEm-kVwZtOHqbhfQWXgII8vQIefsxJog/viewform and complete all the necessary details in the Google Form.
After submitting your application, you will receive an acknowledgement email in PDF format.
Print the PDF received in the acknowledgement email and obtain signatures from your Guide, Head of Department (HoD), and Principal/Registrar/Director/Dean, as applicable.
Send two signed copies (originals) along with project details (maximum 3 pages) to TNSCST through Registered Post/Courier. Ensure that your submission reaches the Council office on or before October 6, 2023, 5:00 PM.
Important Notes
Projects must be registered through the provided online link by September 30, 2023, 5:00 PM.
Project proposals without online registration will not be considered.
Ensure that your project proposals are in the prescribed format and complete. Incomplete or non-standard proposals will not be considered.
Applicants are encouraged to apply online well in advance of the closing date to avoid any potential issues related to internet connectivity or website traffic.
TNSCST does not assume responsibility for late submissions due to technicalissues or other reasons beyond its control.
Project Sectors Projects are considered in the following sectors:
AS - Agricultural Sciences
BS - Biological Sciences
CHS - Chemical Sciences & Engineering
ES - Environmental Sciences
MS - Medical Sciences
PS - Physical Sciences
SS - Social Sciences
VS - Veterinary Sciences
CSE - Computer Science and Engineering
ECV - Civil Engineering
EME - Mechanical Engineering
EEE - Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Contact Information For any clarifications regarding the submission of project proposals, please contact: 81484 91817. General Instructions
The scheme aims to provide financial assistance to final year UG/PG students for scientific research with relevance to Tamil Nadu's economic and industrial development.
Each student project is eligible for a maximum grant of Rs. 10,000.
Projects should focus on one sector only, and incorrect or multiple sector selections will result in rejection.
A project team can consist of up to four students, and only one proposal per team is allowed.
Projects should be original, innovative, and applicable for implementation.
Project proposals must be evaluated and approved by Project Guides and Heads of Departments.
Changing the project topic or objectives after approval will result in the cancellation of the grant.
Approved projects will be announced on the TNSCST website and funds will be disbursed accordingly.
Sanctioned projects should be completed and reports submitted by May 2024.
Utilization Certificates (UC) and Statements of Expenditure (SE) must be signed by the guide, HOD, and Principal/Registrar/Dean, with an official seal.
If the guide leaves the institution, the Institute/Guide must inform TNSCST and plan for project completion.
Incomplete or non-standard project proposals will not be considered.
Submit two signed copies of the proposal through the proper channels by October 6, 2023, 5:00 PM.
Late submissions will not be accepted due to postal delays.
We encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity to contribute to the advancement of science and technology in Tamil Nadu. For detailed instructions and application forms, please visit the official TNSCST website at www.tanscst.tn.gov.in.